The Worst Highway in the world

The rank of the worst highway in the world belongs now to the Russian federal (!) road "Lena".
The Russian line "Lena" connecting Moscow and Yakutsk, proudly takes in a rating of the most dangerous roads in the world the first place.
The "Lena" is not just in serious failure. This road appears practically washed away after each strong rain.

On the second place in this black list there is a line between the cities of La Pazs and Kopoyko (?) to Bolivia which local residents name not differently as "Road of death". This narrow track lasts in mountains. There constantly there are landslips, cars quite often fall in breakage, and a condition of asphalt there simply disgusting.

The third place in the list of the most terrible lines is taken with the Military-Georgian road which connects Russia and Georgia. It differs not only the dangerous turns, but also that in the winter it almost always block because of avalanches.

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